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Learn all the benefits of an East Lansing Insider Membership!

Why become an East Lansing Insider Member?
Becoming an Insider Member with a donation of $100 per year (or $10 per month) to ELi means you get the news delivered straight to you as soon as we publish it – before it becomes publicly available at
Membership also gets you access to everything at the East Lansing Insider website.
In addition, membership automatically subscribes you to our Saturday East Lansing Insider newsletter, which provides you East Lansing news briefs, links to everything ELi has reported in the last week, and tips about opporutnities around town, including arts and entertainment events.
Additionally, your membership financially supports this local nonprofit reporting team. Becoming a member means an investment in ELi's public service journalism!
How can you sign up for a membership?
To sign up, just to to, hit that maroon "subscribe" option and pick the paid Membership option.
Please note: if you've already donated $100 or more this year to East Lansing Info (ELi) through some other means, you can write to us at and we will be happy to provide you an East Lansing Insider membership at no additional cost.
Will you get a tax deduction for this donation?
Because ELi is a recognized public service organization as a 501(c)(3) charity, your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. That includes your Membership donation.
Can members of a household share an East Lansing Insider membership?
For sure! If you're signed up as an Insider member and want us to also add other people in your household, pleas write to us at with your information (name, address, and email) and theirs (name and email). We will verify your donation to ELi and add your household members.
Have other questions?
Please contact us by email at
Thank you!