ELi Will Start Publishing News Again Tomorrow
Yep. We're back.

By Alice Dreger, Publisher
After several months of regrouping, East Lansing Info will resume publication tomorrow, Sept. 1, 2022. Your nonprofit ELi news team is thrilled to be getting back to what we came here to do – watchdog and investigate for this community while delivering the highest quality journalistic service.
So much has been going on in the East Lansing community that we need to catch you up on.
This includes the upcoming elections for the East Lansing School Board, 54B District Court judgeship and the millage proposal for the East Lansing Public Library.
It also includes ongoing plans for redevelopment downtown, the work of the new Independent Police Oversight Commission including on the April 25 shooting by officers, continued concerns about East Lansing’s pension funds, and much more.
Under the leadership of our new Managing Editor Julie Seraphinoff, we are regrowing our reporting ranks to bring you all the important news, independently delivered.
If you’ve read the ELi Task Force report or read about our new East Lansing Insider newsletter, then you already know things will be working a little differently at ELi.
For one, we’re going to be working on honing our reporting to make sure we are carefully targeting our resource expenditures. We’ll also be working to keep you updated in a way that respects your limited time.
Additionally, you’ll see us working hard to get more ELi readers to contribute financially to this community project to help keep it coming. While we were on publishing hiatus, we heard from so many people about how much they missed ELi. Now, we’re hoping to use that contrast – life with or without your dedicated, independent, nonprofit local news organization – to convince more folks here to pitch in to keep it coming.
Remember that we run ELi on less than $200,000 per year, so sustainability is doable if everyone does their part.
In an effort to get more people to recognize the value of ELi, we’ve set up a fresh newsletter system accessible through our special East Lansing Insider page. The ELi Insider newsletter replaces our prior “news digest” newsletters.
Anyone can subscribe for free to the Insider and get a simple weekly round-up of ELi reporting.
But, if you support ELi through the Insider portal at the rate of $10/month or $100/year, then you obtain special Insider status by having access to our breaking news earlier than the general public.
Read more and sign up today if you haven't already!
And please, keep an eye out for surveys where we’ll be asking you to let us know what we should be reporting. We are a nonprofit community service; we exist to serve the people of East Lansing with accurate, meaningful news coverage. That means we need your input.
Thanks to everyone who has made this return possible!